Schoolcraft College

Advanced Manufacturing

Schoolcraft College’s manufacturing and technology programs integrate the leading computer technology with state-of-the-art labs and an emphasis on quality and workforce readiness to give students a real-world focus on the ever-changing manufacturing process. Technological advances are changing the way products are manufactured. Today’s manufacturing professionals not only need to know the fundamentals of production, they must be able to think critically, solve problems and have a thorough understanding of the technology they can use to manufacture products efficiently and with the highest quality.

Student Success

While pursuing their training programs at Schoolcraft, several students were offered employment opportunities that gave them a higher wage and/or improved working hours and conditions. These opportunities were a direct result of the work of the student, M-CAM Job Developer, M-CAM Career Coach and Schoolcraft College faculty.

Schoolcraft's Impact

Schoolcraft College has long had a strong relationship with area employers and the M-CAM program has only strengthened that partnership. Schoolcraft faculty and administrators regularly consult with employer partners to ensure that the training programs offered at Schoolcraft through M-CAM meet their needs. Schoolcraft College and M-CAM are committed to providing employer partners with highly trained, highly motivated workers in the area of advanced manufacturing.

Schoolcraft College offered a CNC boot camp in spring 2015, in direct response to a local employer’s request for assistance. After being awarded several large defense contracts, they needed to hire 100+ skilled trades workers. Schoolcraft worked closely with Loc Performance in Plymouth, Michigan to identify the skills needed. Course curriculum was developed by faculty/subject matter experts at the College. Michigan Works! identified candidates with the appropriate skill set and provided funding to offset the student cost of training. Participants earned Certificates of Completion for the CNC Boot Camp, OSHA 30 for General Industry and multiple NIMS credentials. The M-CAM Job Developer and Career Coach worked with the participants to prepare resumes, improve interview skills and learn basic on-the-job skills. Once the course was completed, all candidates received interviews and were offered positions at Loc Performance.

October 1, 2013 - July 31, 2015

  • 92 participants are participating in training opportunities at Schoolcraft College through the M-CAM program (86 in CNC, 6 in Welding)
  • 3 participants have earned nationally recognized credentials through their program of study
  • 5 participants have completed their programs of study
  • 10+ participants have found employment, with the support of M-CAM’s Career Coach and Job Developer
  • 60 employers are partnering with M-CAM at Schoolcraft College
  • 3 students are in Registered Apprenticeship programs and are completing coursework while working at area employers.
"There is not as much value in just getting someone a job, it’s got to be about longevity. So one of our goals is to make sure we know the student very well…and we know the employer really well, so the fits make sense." Job Developer

"Once I took a tour of campus I was impressed and I was interested. I didn't really want to do anything else." CNC Machining Student

"Well actually I was looking for a job and [Michigan Works!] came up with a school offering Welding training for jobs. So then the school came about and then I was like you know what this is what I'm going to do." Welding Student

"Well the fact that it was hands-on in the Advanced to Manufacturing class. So it would be hands on with the learning techniques. So I was impressed, that made me very interested." CNC Machining Student

"Schoolcraft College will be the facility that both meets and exceeds the standards of excellence necessary to fulfill the mission of educating and preparing students to meet today’s manufacturing expectations. The bar has definitely been raised for the rest of the country."Mike Blizzard, NIMS Master Trainer

Career Pathways